Friday, May 29, 2009


Colossus is the metal muscle man of the X-men. He's also too cool and fun to draw! Here's the big Russian ready to bring the pain to some mutant baddy. Das Vadanya!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

New Sketchbook

Here's the Dark Knight from my new sketchbook I bought a couple of weeks ago. When I bought my sketchbook, I wanted to fill every page with a different superhero or villian. Shazam got the top page, but Bats slid into the second slot. Anyway, I got the idea from Andie Tong an artist from the UK at last years Heroescon. Hope to have the book filled with sweet sketches someday soon. So far it's been fun trying to give the characters I love the Branman treatment!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Birrrrd MAN!

Definately not Birrrrd MAN, Hawkman is really a bird by another feather. The hardnosed hero was a childhood favorite of mine on Saturday mornings while watching the Superfriends. It was a no-brainer to try to tackle him on the ole sketch pad. I really liked the way his face and expression came out on this one. Thanks again for lookin'!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Go with a Smile

WoW! Can you believe this will be the second post in two days! Joker gets the billing today because on a rainy day everybody needs a smile. I got to say that I enjoy drawing Mr. J. He just seems to have enough anarchy in his smile to keep you comin' back for more. I'm trying to get some colors on my drawings as well, so I splashed some on Joker and in the background for this one. I think it turned out swell! Thanks for looking and turn that frown upside down!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Feelin' Sketchy

With all this Free Comic Book Day stuff and Heroes Con just around the corner, I've been a little sketchy lately. So I thought I'd share some of the drawings that I've done over the past few weeks. I'm going to try to get a new sketch here every day this week so make sure to check back daily. Here's the first-Chuck and the X-men. Hope you dig!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Free Comic Book Day at Heroes!

Jakeemthundah on deviantART"WoW! What a day! I hope that everyone was able to get out to a comic shop somewhere and enjoy some of the sweetness that is FCBD!

This year my wife and bro got up with me at the crack of dawn to head down to Charlotte, NC to enjoy FCBD at Heroes Aren't Hard To Find. After making my wife(aka Quilting Queen) happy by taking her to a huge fabric store for 2 hours of selecting the fabrics to make her next classic quilts, we were off for the main event!

We arrived at Heroes at 11:30 and began wading through the crowd to pick up copies of the free comics that had been placed throughout the store. Soon after, the artist showed up and began sketching for the crowd that had gathered. Oh, did I mention the artist that showed up were Adam Hughes, Brian Stelfreeze, Mark Brooks, Andy Smith, Allison Sohn, Budd Root, Sanford Greene, Matt Herms, Jason Latour, Chris Schweizer, Chris Brunner, and more! Oh yeah-I know what you're thinking, but it's for real though! Anyway, I was pretty fortunate to walk away with a few sketches and alot of great memories! One of the highlights of the day was watching my bro go wacko from watching Brian Stelfreeze do an incredible water colored Ra's Al Ghul for the girl in front of him. He kept saying, "Branson, you got see this, you gotta see it!" Man, what a great day. It was almost like a prequel to Heroes Con in June. "Let it begin! Let it begin!"