Monday, November 2, 2009

Fall Festival

This past Friday I was able to do something that I've never done before. I had a sketch booth at my school's fall festival. Oh man, I had a blast. The sketches were done in pencil and inked or colored with sharpies or markers on 5x7 card stock. I had about 15 made up before the festival to display at my booth so people could see what they would be getting. I did mostly supers, but also had a few mascots, princesses, and toons as well. I even did a Barney Fife! I started at 5 and didn't stop sketchin' until about 9:30. When the eraser dust had cleared, I had sold over 30 of my sketches. I was super excited that I was able to raise over $100(sketches were $3) for our school! Lookin' forward to the next time!

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