Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Superman Attacks! - Maybe?

Okay, been workin' on this and can't really figure it out. I like the pose, but I really don't know what Supes is gettin' ready to do. Maybe he's gonna lay the smack down on Solomon Grundy born on Monday or just rescue a cat from a tree?! Please help the Man of Steel-give him purpose, or you can just tell me you like it-thanks!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Smile for the Camera!

I came across this pic and just had to post it! Is this the way it really is in the Wonderful World of Disney? It reminds me of my own two little princesses and the way that they can sometimes act for the camera.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Top Toon Series-Dale's Spiderman & His Amazing Friends

When I was a kid I didn't think Spiderman could get any cooler. That changed when NBC introduced his amazing friends. Spiderman & His Amazing Friends gave me a window into the Marvel universe from my living room every Saturday morning. I loved watching Angelica, Bobby, and Peter handle every situation that would come their way(sometimes with a little help from Miss Lion). No matter if they were facing Dr. Octopus or Dr. Doom, the Spiderfriends were ready to "Go for it!" Jeremy Dale shows off the goods in this picture of Spiderman & His Amazing Friends.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Top Toons Art Series-Meyers' Masters of the Universe

By the power of Grayskull! He Man and the Masters of the Universe is another of my all-time favorite toons. Not only could you watch the ultra cool adventures of He Man, Battle Cat, and Orko(okay maybe not so ultra cool Orko) all week long, but on the weekend you could beg Mom to carry you to track down your favorite characters from the show at your local K-mart! Does it really get any better? When you remember Skeletor's evil cackle and bullying of Beastman it really does get better! Artist phenom Jonboy Meyers does a great job capturing sweet battle ready heroes and does it again with this awesome pic of these Masters of the Universe. Can you name them all? I HAVE THE POWER!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Top Toons Art Series- Cheek's Herculoids

Wow! It's been a while since I've been able to hit this blog business. I thought I'd throw out some of my toon favorites from childhood with some of my artist favorites now. Choice #1 for this series was easy to come up with. When you hook up some old school Hanna Barbera with Sean "Cheeks" Galloway you simply get the freshest look on a true classic. Yup, it's another pajama wearing, blanket carrying Saturday morning with the Herculoids! Pass the Frosted Flakes Bro!

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Colossus vs. Zangief...Crushin' Russian

On the forum over at Penciljack.com someone tossed the idea out to draw a Marvel vs. Capcom sketch, and I couldn't resist giving it a try. My bro pounded me with Colossus when we played the X MEN game as kids, and Zangief and Colossus just seemed right. I had to dig deep into my Saturday morning wrestling watchin' past to come up with the sleeper hold! Looks like it's lights out for Zangief-zzzz. Thanks for looking!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Hawkman! Winged Warrior

Here's a sketch of Carter Hall aka Hawkman! I loved this character as a kid and thought I'd try to put him on paper-thanks for looking!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Batman, Joker, & ?

Hey-had some more time this week so I thought I'd try sketchin' the Bat. Here it is-let me know what you think! Who do you think the person in question is?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sketch Time!

I've had a little free time this week so I thought I'd sharpen the sketching up a bit. So not feeling the need to leave the lazy boy, I searched for anything nearby to use as reference. Low and behold there was Pride and Prejudice(my wife's dvd) with Kiera Knightley on the cover. Let me know what you think!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Heroes Con in Charlotte, NC

Heroes Con is one of the best comic book conventions anywhere! I'm a vet of the con, but this year my wife Shanna went for the first time and had a blast. We spent most of our time in artist alley where we met some great guys that wield a wicked sharpie. Some of the highlights were meeting Jonboy Meyers, Sean "Cheeks" Galloway, and the ID(Identity Comics) gang. I also got to see Jeremy Dale's work for the first time. Make sure you check his stuff out in the 25th Anniversary GI Joe comics included with the action figures later this year-it's excellent. We went to the con with high expectations and were not disappointed. We can't wait till next year's show! Can you find the real Batman in the pic?