Monday, September 24, 2007

Top Toons Art Series-Meyers' Masters of the Universe

By the power of Grayskull! He Man and the Masters of the Universe is another of my all-time favorite toons. Not only could you watch the ultra cool adventures of He Man, Battle Cat, and Orko(okay maybe not so ultra cool Orko) all week long, but on the weekend you could beg Mom to carry you to track down your favorite characters from the show at your local K-mart! Does it really get any better? When you remember Skeletor's evil cackle and bullying of Beastman it really does get better! Artist phenom Jonboy Meyers does a great job capturing sweet battle ready heroes and does it again with this awesome pic of these Masters of the Universe. Can you name them all? I HAVE THE POWER!


NHKokubun said...

Okay, here's another golden oldie: the Mighty Heroes. Check out one of the episodes below
Go Cuckoo Man, GO!

Shazam! said...

Nice! That's a new one to me. Maybe Prince Adam could learn a thing or two from Diaperman about quick changes.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see the memory still works! Talk about something for the family, remember all the great life lessons that were in every episode. You should check out the DVDs, they did a fantastic job with them. By the way,where is your latest masterpiece?

P.S. Just wait until you hear Optimus again in Transformers, you're gonna love it!

GS said...

I can't remember the names, but i loved that show growing up. Rumor has it that the makers of 300 are going to make a new He-Man flick. Won't come out for a couple of years though.

Shazam! said...

Man, I would seriously be lovin' that! Orko in CGI-sweet!